Lynda Sanchez

Apr 30, 20203 min

My all-time favorite must read, watch or listen to financial resources.

Financial education is not everybody's favorite topic — until you are either deep down in a mess or you are actually making good money and want to keep it that way. Yet, in today's unpredictable economy, losing solvency can happen to any of us. For that reason, we need to make sure we are financially stable.

Those having financial literacy can make a difference?

Do you know that worrying feeling of the probability of losing your job? getting sick? being kicked off for not paying rent? The probability that you could be THAT person?

Then the answer is yes!

When you invest time to learn and care for your personal finance, that feeling begins to scatter. Not out of magic or luck, but because you start understanding and using the tools that can protect your future and guide you to a better relationship with money.

I understand that financial literacy might sound boring, but imagine being no longer worried about how to pay bills every single month. Once you are in control, your money works for you and not the other way.

Escaping the survival mode means that you can start focusing on what matters! You can actually start dreaming!

These are my all-time favorites must read, watch or listen to:

Keep in mind that while this is based on my experience, it doesn’t mean you need to read them all. The goal is to reach a level you feel comfortable with.

1. Books or audiobooks:

1.1 Robert Kiyosaki, Rich dad poor dad

This one is especially important, if you tend to believe that money only comes from your 9 to 5 job.

1.2 T. Harv Eker, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

If you tend to think that you are not worthy of earning more money or even thinking that money bad, this is for you. I found this book personally intrusive, and that is what some of us might need as a wake up call.

1.3 George S. Clason, The Richest Man in Babylon

Believe it or not, this book is from 1926! The lessons will take through wonderful parables, explaining the basic steps to a richer life. It is great for readers that often feel that reading about money is boring.

1.4 Once you feel more interested in it and start questioning how to adapt your situation. Jump right away to Tony Robbins, Money Master the Game or Unshakable. However, they are based on the US economy, so if you are currently living in another country, you will have to do some extra research on what could work for you.

2. Podcasts and videos:

2.1 Patrice Washington, Redefining Wealth Podcast.

This is a great introduction to understanding wealth from a meaningful perspective. It also comes with beautiful testimonies from women who have rebuilt themselves. Her guests on the show will talk on how they became great with money and why that in itself is not enough!

2.2 Two Cents, YouTube Channel.

Has amazing short videos that will guide you on the very basics of the economy and money, especially in the US! The hosts are financial experts and will explain the basics in simple, short and funny ways.

2.3 Financial Independence Europe, Podcast.

Brings a new perspective that can adapt to different realities and nationalities with broader examples from all around Europe. You can listen to great interviews from those who realized that money doesn't need to be a barrier.

2.4 The Financial Diet, YouTube channel or blog.

Has a strong core on Millennials, with a lovely New York style and young female owner and host. They will address some questions you might be having about finance in the US, including credit card debt or budgeting.

2.5 The Rich Dad, YouTube channel.

The advanced lessons in millennial money are a great introduction. I highly recommend searching for videos of Kim Kiyosaki (Robert’s wife). She explains investments and financial freedom from a female perspective.

2.6 Tony Robbins’ YouTube channel or podcast.

His channel has a lot of everything, but the most important is to understand what really matters in life and why having enough money will bring you closer to it.

As we move forward, this list will be more extensive and richer. I hope it can trigger your curiosity to learn, from any possible source and enrich your financial literacy towards a more fulfilling life.

Small note:

Be careful, when start searching for financial information, as a lot of recommendations will appear. Especially on how to get-rich-quick! Two Cents has a great video explaining get-rich-quick scams. If you feel tempted by the idea or afraid that somebody will scam you in the internet, please watch their video before deciding on paying an “expert”.